
ART.160 Dry and wet operation "planetary" belt grinding machine
ART.160 Processing example
ART.76 2N Dry and wet operation belt grinding machine
ART.143 Pad belt grinding machine
ART.144 Pad belt grinding machine
ART.143 - ART.144 Processing example
ART.142 Pipe notching machines
ART.142 Processing example
ART.141 Automatic plate bevelling machines
ART.141 Processing example
ART.160 Dry and wet operation "planetary" belt grinding machine
Main characteristics: 

Work capacity: Ø min. 5 ÷ Ø max. 120

Min. bending radius: 150 mm 
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ART.76 2N Dry and wet operation belt grinding m. - 2 belt grinding units
Main characteristics:

Work capacity: max. width 300 x max. height 200 mm

Abrasive belts: 300 x 1900 mm
جدول المنتجات
ART.143 Pad belt grinding machine
Main characteristics:

Work capacity: max. width 550 x max. length 1500 x max. height 560 mm 

Abrasive belt: 120 x 4000 mm
جدول المنتجات
ART.144 Pad belt grinding machine
Main characteristics:

Work capacity: max. width 800 x max. length 2400 x max. height 420 mm

Abrasive belt: 150 x 7000 mm
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ART.142 Pipe notching machine
Main characteristics:

Work capacityØmin. 30 ÷ Ømax. 245 mm

Abrasive belt: 250 x 2500 mm
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ART.141 Automatic plate bevelling machine
Main characteristics:

Work capacity: bevel max. 30 mm - thickness min. 6 ÷ max. 60 mm

Variable angle: 22,5° - 30° - 37,5° - 45° - 52,5°
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